There are mornings when I drag. It seems like no amount of caffeine will give me the motivation I need to pull myself together and focus. I just want to go back to bed and sleep until tomorrow. I can’t live like that though. Thee are things that must be done. I need to be as productive as possible.
I found that one of the best boosters for me is tits. To be more specific, big tits. Studio porn is nice at first, but I find myself wanting to fall to sleep after I cum. Instead, live cams are my secret tool for staying alert. Interacting with sexy girls wakes me up every time. Once I have cum, I can finally go about my day, feeling good about myself and ready to take on any task the day throws at me.
Watch ashlyeroberts rubbing her big tits on cam, and you will see what I mean. She can really wake a man up. My cock was especially ready for her company.